Monday, December 25, 2006

My life around Selhurst Park . . .

There are many defining moments in a person's life - rites of passage from riding a bike without stabilisers, a first snog - to the biggies like first-time rude behaviour, leaving home, marriage, kids . . . .

But I can also track my life around Selhurst Park, a footballing oasis in SE25, a far-from-bucolic area of south London - home of the mighty Crystal Palace FC.

The Child: Sitting on the wall that ran through the old White Horse Lane with my dad making sure I didn't fall off . . .

The Boy: Switching to the Holmesdale to proudly stand side-by-side with the old man . . .

The Gobby Teen: Plucking up courage to venture unaccompanied into the bear-pit of the Arthur Wait, shrilly crying "Come and join us!" to the opposing fans - hoping to God they did no such thing!

The Young Man: Back to the sanctuary of the Holmesdale - giving it large but not taking any risk of aggro!

The Man With Responsibilities: A short sojourn in the Main Stand. Bollocks to that! How expensive and I'm not dead yet!?

The Settled Fan: Now happily back in the Arthur, never quite getting into the heart of the AW Massiv - but close enough to not be signing alone.

What's your footballing journey?

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